When you...
Have big career ambitions Want to earn high in short time Want your growth remain in your own hand Want a stable company, safe job...and many more When you are not able to find A SINGLE Company where you can get ALL BENEFITS AT ONE PLACE We have GOOD NEWS FOR YOU, Just read on…. Fortune Human Capital A place where you can navigate your career yourself, the way you want. |
⇒ Income, Pay-Package & Growth were limited to the alumni of Premium B-Schools |
⇒ Bosses, used to decide the Income, Promotion, Growth & Career path of employee |
⇒ You needed to wait for year end and sometimes more for appraisal and growth |
Fortune believes, talent is not limited only with the one who is Graduated from IIMs Or possess any other degree of premium B-School. Talent is widely available in India with common people but ironically those who don’t possess top college degree are often deprived of high pay-packages.
Now finally you have a place where neither your College nor your Boss will decide your career Now your INCOME and your GROWHT is completely in your own hand. Now only your talent and your performance will decide your future. |
Moreover, it is not about few questions but the list of questions are exhaustive, each of them (following) makes Fortune an unique place to work, just read on and check yourself...
High Income
Self Appraisal System
Monthly Salary Growth
High Career Growth
Best Place To Work
Advance Technology
Training & Hand Holding
Reward & Recognition
Extra as Gifts
Safeguard from Hiring & Firing
Large Requirements
To Work On
Multidimensional work opportunity
Value Addition In CV
Fun At Work
Work Life Balance