• Welcome To Fortune Human Capital

Job Satisfaction

New Opportunity

Recruiting Expertise

Want to land into your dream job?

Let us see how it’s Fortune which empowers your CV

“Skilled  and  high-class   advocate  makes   high  impact  on  judges  and  leads  to  winning  the  case. ”

Expert Handholding

No matter whatever skilled and experienced you are but if your representation in company is poor, you can’t materialize a good deal and winning job offer. If your profile is of a class, you deserve a representation of class.

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Brand Fortune

The logo of brand Fortune add value to Your profile. The filtering process of Fortune is very tough, so we always send the candidate for interview only when it is perfectly matching with the requirement.

This practice has creates a superb impression to the interviewer and once they see the name Fortune in the CV the interview starts with a positive note and good impression.

To the contrary, untrained & bad advocate mostly spoils the case. You have worked so hard to reach at the level where you are today, through your profile weak consultants will get advantage from your profile but they can’t add any value addition to your CV.

Brand Fortune always makes a greater impact to interviewer.

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Never go for direct interview or direct job apply it shows your excessive hunger towards jobs. Our specialist checks the fitment of your profile with the available position and only if it is perfectly matching, we share your profile to client and highlights all the positive things in CV in decent way and this creates your fantastic impression.

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Interview Co-ordination

It requires multiple follow up for time coordination that fits into your current schedule which you can’t make di-


Briefing About Interview

If you require our experts can help you with the strategy of winning interview and will brief you how to crack your dream job offer.

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Right Information

Detailed and right illustration about the opening helps you in taking right decision about your career. Your job is your career and life, wrong or incomplete decision may lead to spoiling of your career. We introduce you to the JD, company and help you understanding about the role very effectively.

True Feedback

Mostly it has been observed normal consultant do not give feedback of interview if not selected. Though, there are few limitations, but our experts can help you in getting true feedback which helps the candidate to improve for next interview in case of no selection. Similarly, if selected you get the offer letter in a faster note.


After getting job offer, it needs lot of documentation which our trained people do very efficiently without any hassles.

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Support In Negotiation

As you wish for high salary, similarly every employer wants to save money. This creates an expectation mismatch and creates a gap and mostly candidate lose the job offer considering high expectation by employer. Our role here becomes very important which acts in such a way which do not allow the string of relation to break till the time you get the offer letter.

Post Joining Support

When you are new to organization, you are very alone and everything from top to bottom is new for you. Our relation doesn’t end with your joining with new employer. We help you to settle down there in case you find any trouble. Being new employee many times candidate do not able to express the pain and finally feel compelled to quit the job. We work here as your voice and try to solve the issue which you are not able to handle.

“Completely free of cost service is a strict policy of our company. At no point we charge anything from candidates means you are getting high class representation of your profile that too completely free of cost.”